Dan Seamark (Counsellor for York Therapy Clinic)

Qualifications & Training

Dan Seamark counsellor York
Dan Seamark (Adult & Young Person Counsellor)

About Dan Seamark (Counsellor for York Therapy Clinic)

Dan Seamark is one of our dedicated counsellors at York Therapy Clinic, specialising in a humanistic integrative approach to therapy and counselling.

Dan helps his clients to help themselves, to support them in healing and growth so that when therapy ends, they have the skills to face the next challenges.

As an integrative counsellor, Dan draws on several different models of therapy that focus on each individual’s subjective experience and awareness of life, with a basis in positive psychology.

Dan works particularly well with people who have come from toxic and harmful relationships and environments, providing a non-judgemental, accepting and kind relationship where a person can learn to trust another, and themselves, again.

Humanistic Counsellor in York

Following a psychology degree which gave him a background into understanding the mind, Dan continued to work with various hospitals, where he gained first-hand experience of people struggling with a range of diverse needs.

He then opted to undertake both Level 2 and Level 3 counselling courses, whilst volunteering and developing his skills as a Samaritan, where Dan practiced his counselling skills in helping people who were often in very dark and distressing emotional places.

After a Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy at York St John University, Dan completed an additional year of research to achieve a Masters qualification in 2014, with counselling placements within an addiction charity, high school, and sixth form college.

Counsellor for Adults & Young People

Dan has extensive experience working as a counsellor within the NHS, where he worked with people with a diverse range of issues – an experience which challenged him in many ways, and helped him to grow as a therapist.

He also spent 2 years working with a children and young people’s charity where he worked within schools to support students with everything life may be throwing at them, in a system that didn’t always have the freedom to appreciate their struggles.

Rather than provide techniques or exercises, Dan prefers to work closely with his clients in a way where they can get to know themselves, how they relate to the world and others in it and draw on their own strengths – so that the change comes from within and can therefore be transferred to new experiences.

Background in Counselling

Whilst completing his psychology degree, Dan’s passion and interest revolved around working with people and seeing the impact of his work on the front lines.

After working in various mental health wards and volunteering for York Samaritans for several years, Dan found his calling in supporting people directly, providing them with a safe person and setting in which they could explore their thoughts and feelings in a way day to day relationships don’t allow.

Dan found that for many of his clients, simply feeling seen and heard was empowering, and this helped move them to gaining control in their lives. Counselling was then a great way to build on these skills and forge a career that was meaningful, whilst also fulfilling his goals and values of being a force for positive change in the world.

Registered with Professional Bodies

Dan Seamark (Counsellor) is registered with the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy).

Dan offers face-to-face counselling in York, as well as online counselling using Google Meets, Skype, Facetime, Zoom & WhatsApp Video for York Therapy Clinic. Other methods are also available.

If you wish to discuss working with Dan or any of our therapists, psychologists or counsellors in York, contact us using the form below, or call us on 07788 129245.

Contact Dan Seamark (Counsellor)

Support Form (#3)
Clinic locations throughout York, Online & Surrounding areas.
Admin office: York Therapy Clinic, Blake House, 18 Blake St, York YO1 8QG.  
Please note – this is not a location that we see clients.

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